Early start today. Up at 6am to catch the bus to Chichacastananga (almost impossible to pronounce unless you sing it to the sound of the cucharacha song).
There is a famous market on Sundays that apparently is a must see. I´m not great fan of shopping, but what can you do....
The mmarket was not too bad, bumped into a couple of friends from earlier in the week which was nice and we stopped for a beer at lunch time, so all in all it was a pretty good day. Managed to buy myself a new hat - lost the previous one somewhere, possible up on the volcano. So my old hat probably suffered a horrible burning death. New hat is very good.
There were a few interesting sights in the town, the graveyard was pretty colourful, though I´m not sure I´d want to burried under something that looks like a portable toilet.

Strange going ons at the local church, not sure what the smoke was about.

Here is an example of someone playing atypical Guatemalan music. Patrick More would be in heaven here!

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