The boat is a gaff (sp?) rigged 34 footer built in the 70s and made almost entirely of wood.

After a bit of breakfast we cast off and the crew pulled up the sails and we started off sailing to our first stop with favourable winds.

First stop was rendevous caye, a deserted island probably about 50 meters by 20 meters - just enough room for the tents.

Waiting for supper, watching the sun go down and drinking quite a few rum punches.

Followed by a nice campfire (started with liberal doses of petrol).

The following day we were all in quite a sorry state, including the poor boat:

But we were soon off sailing again having been revived by coffee and a bit of breakfast.

Anbd after a few hours of sailing with occasional stops for fishing and snorkelling we reached tobaco caye, this place actually had some civilisation - a bar!

Some nice wildlife:

And of course a very nice beach:

Once again, we watched the sun go down.

Followed by a dinner consisting of the one of the fish that had been caught with the spear gun.

The next day we set of for Southwest Caye, our last stop on our adventure before heading onto Placencia.

No photos of Placencia, you must all be sick of palm trees and beaches by now. Next stop will be Dangria and then maybe Hopkins. But I think we'll stay here for another day. It's a bit too hot to be moving around too much.
1 comment:
No sick at all!!!!
More pictures, more pictures!!!!!
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