We negotiated several rapids including some that required us to get out of the boats and walk so that there was enough water under them to get over the rocks.

Half way up the river we stopped off for a quick jungle hike with some spectacular views.

The bridge above leads to a platform that the locals have build to give a good lookout point. I haven't a photo of this construction, but it's pretty impressive, even more so when you consider that it was all built with just manpower - some of the bigger collumns required 70 people to drag them through the jungle.

After our walk it was back in the boats to negotiate more rapids until we reached the stone carvings that were the destination of our river cruise.

Then it was head back downstream. This is a lot easier than going up! We shot all of the rapids - including the ones that we had previously had to walk around. Came quie close to tipping the boat over but we made it in one (albeit damp) piece.

Cute picture walking back from the boats.
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