In keeping with the current theme of the trip this town is about 3,800 meters above sea level...
This is us standing on top of the burried pyramid.
There´s not a great deal to see of the pyramid, but some of the other temples have been uncovered and reconstructed.
Also from the pyramid you get quite a nice view of the modern town with it´s church and main square.
The underground temple contains some interesting walls with a large collection of heads:
The above ground temple seems to be all to do with the solstices - various statues, doors and walls line up with the sun at different times of the year.
Translation of the sign: "Come back soon!"
Back in La Paz again, wondering what to do next...
Uh, those heads are creepy. Was it a crypt?
Amy Y.
Some kind of semi underground temple for communicating with ancestors I think... Not sure though, the guide only spoke spanish.
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