So, who would have thought that the jungle would be cold! Apparently it´s only cold for maybe 3 or 4 days of the year...
First day in the jungle and we head off to a locla hacienda to go horse trekking,

Before getting onto the horses we took some time to explore the farm and the wildlife, all of which is remarkably tame:

The monkey took some coaxing before he´d climb on me, apparently people with hair are much nicer to cuddle.

Here´s a field of pineapple plants:

Along with an abandoned plane - it wasn´t clear if the plane had crashed here or if it had just been left... You have to wonder what it would have been used for, we think smuggling.

After looking at a few more animals, including some edible snails we took the horses up to a local village to visit the people and take photos of the kids.

Then it was back to the hacienda for a nice warm fire.

Getting up to the village had been a nice leasurely walk, coming back we acutally got up to a gallop! I have ot say, despite the complete lack of control and the high likeliehood of falling off, the gallop is a lot more comfortable than anything else the horse does. It´s also pretty exciting, might have to take up horse riding when I get back...